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Epic Lentil Taco Salad

Hey, y'all! Life has been extremely hectic these last couple of months. I'm sure you could tell, since I haven't blogged since January, lol. My work life was starting to outweigh my home life and become out-of-balance. I had three audits I participated in, a large annual meeting I had to prepare for and participate in, a court date or two (nothing serious, of course), and so on and so on. Last Thanksgiving, I decided that enough was enough, and after two years I could no longer handle the 1 hr 20 min commute (one way), the being on call 24/7, and the feelings of guilt and isolation from both my immediate family, and my parents and in-laws living 8 hours away. In addition, I was frequently stressed, tired, and moody, and with 15 hours of driving each week on top of 42-55 hour work weeks (depending on the week), I wasn't able to do many of the things I enjoyed: working out, cooking, reading... and everyone needs a hobby for their mental health. Furthermore, I was going

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